Peruvian Cacao 500g


  • 50g | 100g | 500g

We have sourced Peru’s finest, highest, organic and fair trade certified ceremonial grade cacao. Use this divine cacao in ceremony as a drink or add it to your favourite chocolate recipe. This cacao opens your heart and guides you to your truth and purpose.

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SKU: 222-2-2 Category:


If you have come for a coffee substitute, look no further. We have sourced Peru’s finest, highest, organic and fair trade certified ceremonial grade cacao. Use this divine Yang energy cacao in ceremony as a drink or add it to your favourite chocolate recipe.

A bold, rich, bitter, dark chocolate flavour and aroma coupled with higher Theobromine levels means this is a wonderful brew to work with for action, releasing and movement.  Dance and unleash your divine truth as you journey with this cacao. Discover parts of your soul that your higher self has been calling out for you to express.

Energising and heart opening, this is a great all rounder and the Cacao we recommend for creating luscious chocolates with. Start the day with a cup and experience the magic.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

50g, 100g, 600g